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The Kampot pepper from the region of the same name in Cambodia is one of the best peppers in the world. The humid and hot climate near the coast of the Gulf of Thailand and the heavy clay soils create the perfect basis for excellent pepper qualities. The cultivation for Kampot peppers is traditionally done by hand and does not involve the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides. All types of Kampot pepper come from the same plant, the colour is determined by the degree of ripeness and processing. To make White Kampot pepper, only the fully ripe, reddish berries are used. After harvesting, the berries are soaked in water for several days so that the outer skin dissolves. Then the white-beige grains dry in the sun.

This pepper is aromatic with a fine and fresh note. We recommend using our White Kampot pepper together with white poultry, fish, vegetables, light sauces and soups.

Country of origin: Cambodia

SKU: 101_kampotwhitejar
Key Benefits

The organic corns adds an incredible flavor to a variety of meat, seafood, soups, and vegetables.

White’s subtle flavor is perfect for a soup or a broth.

The cultivation for Kampot peppers is traditionally done by hand and does not involve the use of artificial fertilizers and pesticides.

60g/2.12oz glass jar

Kampot pipar on üks parimaid pipraid maailmas. Tai ranniku niiske ja kuum kliima, raske savimuld annab sellele piprale suurepärased omadused.

Kampot pipart kasvatatakse traditsiooniliselt, kasutamata kunstväetisi ja pestitsiidide. Kõik Kampot piprad pärinevad samast taimest, värvus määratakse vastavalt küpsuse ja töötlemise astmele.

Valge Kampot pipra saamiseks kasutatakse ainult täielikult küpseid vilju. Pärast saagikoristust leotatakse vilju mitu päeva vees, kuni koor lahustub. Seejärel kuivatatakse beežikas-valged terad päikese käes.

See pipar on värske ja aromaatse hõnguga.

Soovitame kasutada White Kampot pipart linnuliha, kala, köögiviljade, kergete kastmete ja suppide maitsestamisel.