
This pepper originates from the Kampot province in Cambodia. It is grown and produced there locally and was first described already in the 13th century. It has been said that already at the end of the 20th century, Cambodia harvested 8,000 tons of Kampot pepper annually. The civilian war in Cambodia affected the production drastically but has now kept growing since the beginning of the 2000s.

The Kampot Black pepper has a very strong yet delicate aroma and its taste is spicy yet has a sweet aftertaste. The taste has a light touch of citrus, floral, eucalyptus and mint as well, making it a very special pepper. This pepper has been said to be one of the best peppers around the world and is truly loved by gourmet chefs.

We recommend using Kampot Black pepper together with red meat, seafood, and chicken. It is best used just right before serving as it may become too bitter if cooked too long.

Country of origin: Cambodia.

SKU: 90_kampotblackjar
Key Benefits

The taste has a light touch of citrus, floral, eucalyptus and mint as well, making it a very special pepper.

Enjoy the rich and complex pepper flavor and aroma that is delivered and packed with cedar, cherry, and juniper scents.

Grind them up and sprinkle them to enhance the flavor of vegetables, salads, soups, beans, and pasta.

Uncrushed peppercorns preserve their flavor until needed.

30g/1.05oz glass jar

Kampot pipar on üks parimaid pipraid maailmas. Tai ranniku niiske ja kuum kliima ning raske savimuld annab sellele piprale suurepärased omadused.

Kampot pipart kasvatatakse traditsiooniliselt, kasutamata kunstväetisi ja pestitsiidide.
Kõik Kampot piprad pärinevad samast taimest, värvus määratakse vastavalt küpsuse ja töötlemise astmele.

Kampot pipart on esmakordselt märgitud 13. sajandil. Juba 20. sajandi lõpus korjati Kambodžas Kampot pipart 8000 tonni aastas. Kambodža tsiviilsõda mõjutas oluliselt tootmist, kuid alates 2000. aastate algusest on see taas kasvanud.

Must Kampot pipar on väga tugeva aromaatse lõhnaga, vürtsikas, tuntavalt magusa järelmaitsega. Maitses on tunda tsitrust, lillelisust, eukalüpti ja piparmünti.

See pipar on tõeliselt armastatud gourmet kokkade poolt.

Soovitame kasutada musta Kampot pipart koos punase liha, mereandide ja kanaga.

Hõrk maiitse tuleb parimini esile kui seda kasutada vahetult enne serveerimist. Kuumutades või keetes võib omandada mõru maitse.


Päritolumaa: Kambodža

Kampot must pipar on saadaval 30g/1.06 oz klaasist purgis.