
Smoked salt coarse - Let your imagination roam

A smoked sea salt that conjures up images of Vikings and invites the cook to experiment! The sea salt is smoked gradually over an open fire comprised of mainly beech wood. The salt has a strong bonfire-like aroma and a natural smoky taste. A favorite amongst vegetarians as this salt is excellent on vegetables (and as a replacement for bacon crumbles). It is delicious when sprinkled generously over meat about to be thrown on the BBQ.

We recommend experimenting with this very special salt, as the smoky flavor can suit many surprising dishes! We have even tried it on cocoa and other desserts - something every chef has to try out!

Produced in Denmark

SKU: 25smokecoarse
Key Benefits

The salt has a strong bonfire-like aroma and a natural smoky taste.

Can be used in sauces, garnishes, on potatoes and pasta, as a dry rub for meats.

Smoked salt is cold smoked with untreated wood, so no artificial flavors.  

95g / 3.35oz jar

Suitsusool jäme - lase fantaasial ringi rännata

Suitsutatud meresool, mis võlub viikingite pilte ja kutsub kokka katsetama! Meresoola suitsetatakse järk-järgult lahtisel tulel, mis koosneb peamiselt pöökpuust. Soolal on tugev lõkkesarnane aroom ja loomulik suitsumaitse. Lemmik taimetoitlaste seas, kuna see sool sobib suurepäraselt köögiviljadele (ja peekoni murenemise asendajana). See on maitsev, kui seda heldelt puistatakse BBQ-le viskava liha peale.

Soovitame katsetada selle väga erilise soolaga, kuna suitsune maitse sobib paljudele üllatavatele roogadele! Oleme seda isegi kakao ja muude magustoitude peal proovinud - midagi peab proovima iga kokk!

Toodetud Taanis

95g / 3.35oz purk